In-Year Application Form 2024-25

In-Year Application Form 2024-25

  • This application form is for current year groups for the 2024-25 academic year only. This form is NOT for Reception for 2025 entry. For applications for September 2025 entry, please see the relevant admissions section on our website.

  • Child's Details

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    The address given must be the one that the child currently resides at. Proof of address will be required by the school should a place be offered.

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    or Search again

    Parent / Guardian

    Please complete the details of the Parent / Guardian with whom the child lives.

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    Oversubscription Criteria

    If you would like your application to be considered under ANY of the priority oversubscription criteria of Looked After Children, Siblings, Medical / Social Reasons or Children of Staff, please complete the relevant details below. Please see the school's admissions policy for full details of the oversubscription criteria.

  • Looked After Child

    Is this child in the care of a Local Authority or provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in the exercise of their social services functions; was the child previously looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order; or was the child in state care outside of England and ceased to be so as a result of being adopted? Evidence of Looked After Child status must be provided.



    Is a brother or sister currently on roll at Van Gogh Primary?


    Medical / Social Reasons

    Do you consider your child to have an exceptional medical or social need which can only be met by Van Gogh Primary? Medical / Social applications must be supported by at least 2 forms of written professional evidence, for example registered health professionals or social workers. Your evidence must be clear as to why Van Gogh Primary is the most suitable school and what difficulties would occur if the child had to go elsewhere. 


    Child of Staff

    Does the Parent / Guardian of this child work at Van Gogh Primary?


    Child's Current / Last School or Nursery / Childminder Details

    Please complete the details of your child's current / last school or nursery / childminder. Please complete this section even if your child was previously educated abroad.

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    Additional Applications


    Privacy Notice and Data Collection Statement

    By submitting an application for admission, you are agreeing to the collection of your personal data by Van Gogh Primary. This data will not be shared with any external parties except for those stakeholders as required for completion of the admissions process (this includes, but is not exclusive to, the Local Authority Admissions Team).

    All information submitted for admissions will be processed and maintained in line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Dunraven Educational Trust records management and retention policy.



    I confirm that I am the named adult and have permission to submit an application for this child. I confirm that the information provided is correct at the time of application and that any false or deliberately misleading information given may render this application invalid or lead to the offer of a place being withdrawn. I understand that this application is only valid for the 2024-25 academic year.

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